Lil Socks

2 pair of baby socks from one ball of Regia Fast Koffe sock yarn, not to bad especially since the ball of yarn only cost $2 a hundred years ago. Even have enuff left to maybe make one more sock, but will instead just add it to stash bag for a color pattern somewhere down the road. These lil socks are going to D2's granddaughter in Alaska.

Almost noon and its not so bloody hot, last few days have been a bit above my limit, don't do so well with anything much above 85°F. And saving grace is the cooling off overnight, Wednesday and Thursday Tatlayoko was the coldest spot in BC (34° and 36°), makes for getting under comforter feel really good. I have been really pouring water in me while it was so hot, usually by now would have had a glass of OJ, and at least 2 or 3 bottles of water (my house water still hard to drink). I try really hard to only buy it when its on sale and always take empties back to town.

Have ribbing done on second glove, should get well into thumb increases this evening (CFL game on). Then onto wild & crazy stuff for Gudie.

One of the hardest things for me to deal with living out here is running out of produce (especially salad fixings), have even thought about small container salad plants but with as many deer as we have in here wouldn't last long unless a 7 foot fence was around it. But will buy a few pots that I can bring in at night and move onto sunny back porch during the day, may well be to late for this season but will be ready for next year.


  1. Ruth Stout had a deer-and-raccoon proof fence built so she could grow sweet corn. The fence went down four feet into the ground (to slow down tunnellers) and had a roof, and the door locked with a modern key, since raccoons can open complex latches.


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