Rain & more rain

Have been home for a week and have had rain every day (sometimes heavy), thinking about a small ark (for me and my woolies). Not really a serious complain would much rather have the rain than fires in the area.

The yarn I bought at Paradise Fibers on my way to Spokane.

First pix is the magenta purple I bought from Hazel Knits, loverly stuff, 2nd is the Cascade Heritage sock yarn (replacing ones I used up), 3rd more heritage sock yarn but with silk added. Magenta purple will I think be the main - base color for Gudies knee socks. While at Paradise I also got a couple of 16 inch square needles (Kollage), thought it might take some getting used to but not so, fingers and yarn = knit.

Finally bought my much anticipated IPad, bought in Canada so I wouldn't have to worry about being over allowable limit on return from the states. Love it and wish I had my house WiFi-ed so could use it all the time while here.

34° at just after 6 am, between coldish weather and rain even have been running furnace and electric heater in wool room. Plus wool sweater and socks of course.

Deborah and Sahnte came for a visit and brought snackies and while here changed light bulb in my bathroom. Anything above a rung on ladder sends my stomach into knots and with 7 foot ceiling needed someone to do ladder. So nice to have light again.


  1. send some of that rain this way - we're way behind on the year and probably won't have any until fall - bad fire season


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