Spinning leftovers

I took in a big bag of leftover bumps (dyed wool & mohair) to sell at The Williams Lake spin in, laid them out on the floor (no available tables) and was lucky enuff to get rid of most pretty darned quick. BUT I hadn't brought anything with me to spin so before they were all gone grabbed 4 to make funky bugly yarn. Took off pieces about 18 inches from each color then spun in the same order.

So far I like how the results are turning out. Will spin a second bobbin of the same mix then ply the two together, with each color (hopefully) over the same with just a bit of mixing at beginning and end of each. With the 4 colors all wool & mohair it will make really strong yarn for boot socks, or even nice stuff for slipper felting yarn.

This is the start of socks for D2 in Eburg, WA, since I took this pix have heel done and turned. Will have colors and patterns all the way to the toe. Will bring several other pair for her to choose from in case these don't strike her fancy.

Beautiful early summer day, mid 70's with a nice breeze developing. Rain is in the forecast for the weekend and I hope we get lots, there has already been one forest fire in the Chilcotin and rain will go along way to relieving the issue.


  1. the colours look great... Have got a boring study week ahead of me with a fellow knitter who is excellent at socks. I am going to take some sock wool along and get some lessons!!


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