Snow plowing

Neighbor came down my driveway plowing snow this morning, must be a foot +. Now can at least get out to get my mail later today, nowhere else I need to go. Safer and smarter to just stay home with my knitting. But before I can go anywhere will have to clean car off, then hope it starts. 1pm got car cleaned off and was pleasantly surprised that it started right away. First time it was moved in 3 weeks.

Sock for KL, used the main color blue for the heel and now just about finished with #2 pattern going down the foot. Am really lucky that after all these years of making socks that I still like doing them.


  1. yikes - look at that snow!
    forecast is for snow here later today but no where near a foot.

  2. Aren't thoughtful neighbors wonderful? When I lived in the country, I was grateful for the kindness of my neighbors.

    Your socks are wonderful.

  3. Anyone who lives in Grand Rapids, knows that we take our snow plowing seriously. No one here shuts down for three inches of snow easily!


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