
Working on the afterthought heel on sock #2 of the orangies, should finish it yet this morning. Now I like orange, really like it but after doing a whole sock in mostly oranges can now say I've had enuff for awhile. Will today get more of the Cascade Heritage sock yarn wound into balls and ready to start on next pair of wild & crazies.

21° F at my house this morning, had to cave and turn furnace on in wool room, even with the boiled wool jacket, socks and fingerless gloves on wasn't quite enuff. Love reading about some places that won't turn furnace on until the first of November, heck I'd freeze if I waited that long. But trust me when I say I much prefer this weather than the 90 + of July & August.

Monday night double header football games last night were duds. Much as I like football I couldn't be bothered finishing either game, instead watched news.


  1. Is the pix you have at the beginning of your blog from your area?
    I would have the the heat on long before now. I've lived in Fl to long. Alene

    1. Pix was taken at the north end of Tatlayoko Lake about 4-5 miles from where I live.

  2. I can't seem to concentrate and finish my first socks from my own handspun. How do you deal with all those yarn ends? I am like you. We've now had some cool mornings and I am not using the furnace until I have to (or when hubby complains, lol). Our days have been in the 70's, very pleasant.

    1. I strand the new color in and same when its on the way out. Then separate the plies and shag each end, so hopefully they don't show up on the right side.

  3. I think I understand what you mean. My brain doesn't work like it once did, lol. I just tie the colors together and then weave the ends in. So when you say strand do you mean that you knit a few stitches of both colors together? And then fray the ends?

    1. I hold the new (or Old) color behind the one I am knitting with, usually about 10-12 stitches. Then after ends are shagged they usually disappear forever.


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