Heli pix

Braved the quick & dirty trip to town yesterday, I only drove the first hour then turned car over to Lorelee. First stop was Wally World where I did most of my grocery shopping, big store and was a good bit more walking than I was ready for. Then we went downtown and had lunch, followed by a much needed haircut. Then met up with L at SaveOn and that was over limit, really ran out of power about then. But got produce to last a while, Romaine, lg box of mixed organic spring greens, celery, mini sweet peppers, lettuce, carrots, cucumbers only didn't get cabbage (didn't look so hot) and cauliflower. I did let L drive all the way home.

Got the pix of the heli in my yard on May 12th, then a quick 45 minute flight to Williams Lake where ambulance met us at the heli pad for 5 minute drive down to hosp.

Current sock is within striking distance of the toe, if I can stay awake today hope to get there.


  1. Hey, sounds like you're doing great less than a month after surgery. Too bad you didn't get to enjoy the copter ride....if a copter ride can be enjoyable!

  2. Oh Lynne! That's the kind of helicopter adventure you don't really want to take! Glad this time you were able to travel a little more sedately.


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