Flickr troubles

Having had major Flickr issues for the almost last month, started a new blog. Flickr can't or WON'T ADDRESS THE ISSUE. I admit I did look at the badge "What is This" but no way did I try and add it to my blog, so now will talk to a lawyer friend to see if any action can be taken against Flickr.

Back on Friday from trip down to Whidbey Islands spinning weekend and as usual had a really good time. Gail & I left her place after work on Friday and waited almost 90 minutes at the border, then down to Whidbey in time to check in at the motel grab a bite to eat and crash. This is the first year that I didn't take any pix, none.

Next trip out will be down to Cache Creek next weekend for Desert Mesa and my BC family.


  1. Sorry to hear about your issues. I hope that you can get them resolved. Love the picture at the top of your blog. Absolutely beautiful.

  2. yeah, I noticed a problem trying to bring up your blog earlier this morning - didn't click on 'what is this'. hope you can get it all fixed so all your other posts aren't lost

  3. I hope you are able to get all your pictures and posts. I couldn't figure out why I wasn't able to pull your blog up. I enjoy reading about your "adventures". Glad I found you again.


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