
More Stuff

 Went to the  semi annual spinning weekend in Merritt  October 19-20, was  an   exceptional  get together.  The usual crowd  plus maybe 6 new spinners. Held this  year  in the  senior center instead of the swankier place that raised the rent so high we couldn't  afford  it anymore. Senior center worked out perfect. Gail and I with our Maggie bags, both hauled loads of stuff to many  spinning weekends and mine with me to Virginia a time or two. First 2  pix  are finished  projects,  Monsters socks, the reach in the bag  and  knit  with whatever comes out kind.  Second pair bed socks  going to Kamloops for Judy W.  Last pr are  similar  to the  bingo  socks  I did last spring for the "lady"in Banff that ended up not liking the way I put the colours she picked out together. And  last pix is one that makes me smile every time  I  see it. l


That was then  This  is  now Finished this pair last night, came out better than  I thought they would. Best part used up lots of small leftover balls.  This is a pix of my wild mountain valley, unknown source for the pix. Went to town last Friday  mostly to handle Visa problems (again). While  there I found  real field tomatoes at Beaver  Valley  feed store,  not what   I would  call first quality   but  hey  I know  how  to cut  funny spots off. They taste good and that is the most important part. Did what I call down n dirty, in and  out in  one day (6  hours total driving). Plus several places to stop and walk around. Took me two days to recover.  Grocery store was a bit of a winter stock up walk thru, TP, Scotties tissues, canned goods, extra salt, flour, things I don't want to run out of over the winter. With  football season  under way (both college and pro) I'm planning  on finishing current WIP's, two pr fingerless gloves and one pr of patterned dark coloured socks

This and That

Typical lunch   this  time  of  year,  tomatoes  from Desert  Hills in Ashcroft  (banana belt of  BC).  Went down and picked  up a  25 pound  box  of ripe  field tomatoes,  have had one with every meal since  getting  home. Ashcroft is a good  5  hour drive, so it  has to be  a planned trip,  expensive to  drive that  far  but so  worth  it for  me.     Finished another  pair  of scrapper socks, used  as many  of the brighter colours  as I could  find in the stash.  Ended up quite liking them.  They will go into a  basket for  Christmas  giving. And   have two  more pair on the  needles.  The darker pair look like black is the main  colour but its actually  a really dark blue. The  blue - greens  is from last blog, all  leftover  small  balls. I  haven't  seen  a  bear in my yard this  year,  last year by  mid August score was  10  blacks and 12 grizzles.  I  know that  they are  around  because  I've  seen  the   deposits  left  behind. I  just haven't seen the critters. P


 Made   4 pair  of  shortie  socks for the  grands of neighbours, they haul my  trash  to  the dump  in  exchange for the socks  for their grands. Especially good for me in the  winter months when dump can be slickery. And  this pair is for the  grandmother (ordered). Its  been  so unnaturally hot  in Tatlako  most of July. 9 days so far over 30° C, with the  8th the warmest  at 35°.  Yard  that  was  mowed  a week  or  so  ago is now turning brown and its crunchy to  walk on.  When  Audra  brings  the  horses   down  they won't have  much   to eat,  unless it seriously rains and  almost everyone would  welcome that.  Thankful it cools off  at night  for sleeping. Current  socks,  not for anyone  specific, just because  I  like  the colours and patterns. Next pair  might  be a  combination of this  bit of leftovers, if I do  stick to what  I am now thinking  will separate the  larger balls  into  smaller  balls  and hope to use each  little ball  to  the end,  of course that really

This and That

 Went down to Merritt over Victoria  Day  long weekend for the Nicola Valley  spinning retreat. As  usual a good  time. Roomed again  with  Gail and Vicki. This  falls   retreat is  a  bit up  in  the air the  Merritt community centers rooms  we used have upped their rates, to high for our small group to afford.  Shelia  is checking the  area for another palace to meet. Vicki returned  all my socks she had tried  to sell in Hedley area, prices to high for that  market. So I  spread them all out on one of the circle tables for display, ended up selling one pair and a pair of bed socks. The  Thursday  after getting  home from Merritt Dr. Rob in Tatla removed the rest of the bumps from my right arm, slowed me down a bit.  So for now all removed from right arm, where they will show up next is any ones guess. So far this  summer we in Tatlako have  been blessed with  enuff rain to keep the valley green.  It had been predicted to be an  extremely dry  summer and  has  been  in  other  parts 

More Socks

 Long time.  Made these for a  lady  in  Banff,  she chose the colours. When I sent a pix she said she didn't like  where and how I'd placed the colours in the patterns. Slowly I replied. Then she said when I knit the next pair to put this colour with another etc, again  slowly (burn underway)  I told her that it didn't work that way.  Wouldn't do another, so she said she'd take them the way they were with a discount.  Honey, to late sold them elsewhere. And I 'm glad I don't take any  money  up front. Fraternal and size 10. Have come really close to making the ugliest Monstersocks, bottom pix are closest so far. Was without the internet from 15 - 29 April, amazing how  much  knitting time that freed up. Did the  3 pair shorties in  that  time frame, mix and match.  All are the same number of rows approx sized 7.5 to 8.5.   Next pair  were to fill an older order. Spring has finally sprung, dandelions in yard, with lots of deer nibbling off the tops, grass an

More gloves

 Linda K sent a pix  of the three pair of Koigu gloves she got way back 10-15 years ago. She had kept them as gifts, then life got in the way and they were put away, just recently unearthed. Wish I knew how to have the pix show up  beside each other, maybe some day. I  went to town on Wednesday  for the permanent jacket crown on lower front tooth, expensive but should last the  rest of my life. And have to go back next week as  drivers license will expire the end of this month. With current socks in time out decided to go with another pair of gloves.  A new ball of  Koigu from the stash  (green) all the rest are  leftover bits,  am sure  some are over 10 years old,  I save everything. If I ever get anywhere Koigu is sold will watch for several colours thee  I am nearly out of (lime green).   Spring is trying  to show up, have heard the first bunch of trumpeter swans  flying north, Tatlayoko Lake is open so they are spending time there. And my driveway is a mell of a  hess, 75% mud with