
 Made   4 pair  of  shortie  socks for the  grands of neighbours, they haul my  trash  to  the dump  in  exchange for the socks  for their grands. Especially good for me in the  winter months when dump can be slickery.

And  this pair is for the  grandmother (ordered).

Its  been  so unnaturally hot  in Tatlako  most of July. 9 days so far over 30° C, with the  8th the warmest  at 35°.  Yard  that  was  mowed  a week  or  so  ago is now turning brown and its crunchy to  walk on.  When  Audra  brings  the  horses   down  they won't have  much   to eat,  unless it seriously rains and  almost everyone would  welcome that.  Thankful it cools off  at night  for sleeping.

Current  socks,  not for anyone  specific, just because  I  like  the colours and patterns.

Next pair  might  be a  combination of this  bit of leftovers, if I do  stick to what  I am now thinking  will separate the  larger balls  into  smaller  balls  and hope to use each  little ball  to  the end,  of course that really won't work since they multiply in the  bag overnight.


Haven't seen  a bear in  my yard  yet  this  season last year by mid  July  I'd seen  21  including  several  grizzlies, one with  new  cubs and the  other with yearling cubs. My   thinking  is  maybe they are staying  higher up the  mountains  where  it should be cooler.

I am really looking forward to tomato season,  should  be soon  with all  the  heat we've had.  When  I get my  first  batch  will  make  sure  I have several cartons  of  cottage cheese on hand. Nothing better than tomato with the  cottage cheese for summertime meals. Nothing else (except for salt and pepper) breakfast, lunch and supper.


  1. Great lookinig shortie socks, and my favorite colors too. I'm glad I'm not the only one whose little balls of sock yarn multiply when I'm not looking. I love tomato season too but this year have been really hooked on fruit; the strawberries and Rainier cherries are something wonderful this year, here in Texas. (I don't think they are grown here though, suspecting California.) Not sure how they managed to get big strawberries that still taste great; used to be those big pretty ones had no flavor. So: some things really do get better!

  2. I love your shorties! What kind of ribbing do you do and do you have a favorite pattern that you started with?

  3. Those feet will be so comfortable. Delightful colours, and no sorting required! Your new pair will be eye catchers.

  4. I read your blog regularly, but sporadically. Checking now because of the landslide blocking the river, to see if it affects you and are you ok. Anne in Wyoming

    1. A long way from the blocked river and a good bit higher elevation.

    2. Glad you are safe.


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