
Neighbour just plowed my driveway, hopefully wide enuff for propane truck to come down. Haven't had a fill up since last January so think maybe its getting a bit low. Tractor driver (Troy) thinks that there is 20+ inches, he then cleared off my porch and steps and shoveled around car so could get out now if I had to. Am not planning on going anywhere for some time, staying home knitting on current socks.

 I went out Wednesday to Tatla for KB and to pick up veggies from good food box, $20 and I end up with way more veggies than I could buy in grocery store.


  1. WOW!!! You do have snow! We have no snow here at all, all we have had is horrid chinook winds which give me raging headaches! They are worrying about fires now! It is pretty and Christmasy looking at your house.

  2. That is a lot of snow. It's a good you have help to clear it. Merry Christmas to you!


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