Evacuation Alert

Williams Lake now under evacuation order.6pm.

Tatlayoko evac alert. So far.

Means to have stuff ready to move towards my car. More later.


  1. Fingers and toes crossed that you will be able to stay put.

  2. I was wondering how you were doing when I saw the alert posted last night. Stay safe!

  3. Hi Lynne, I just sent you a Ravelry message with full details - if you end up coming north to Prince George we have a cozy bed, warm shower and plenty of food waiting for you. Please take care and contact us whenever the need might arise. B. J. and Jim Ethier

  4. I have been thinking of you. I hope you stay safe and if needs be a safe and easy evacuation. Sheesh!!! Stay safe!

  5. Oh dear. I was hoping it wouldn't head your direction. I'll be sending positive thoughts to you and everyone else in that area. Stay safe.

  6. Be Careful my friend . Stay Safe !!!!

  7. Yikes! Be careful and stay safe. Hope things get better SOON!

  8. Hoping all is well and that you'll be able to stand down or return or whatever.

  9. just checking in and hoping that all is well with you .

  10. Thinking of you. I hope you are safe.


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