Home again

Came down my driveway yesterday just after 12:30 with Dorian aboard to unload car. He had everything in the house in about 10 minutes, then we loaded a big bag to go up to the dump, then dropped him home on the way by, I was happy and he was too $20 richer.

All travel plans fell nicely in place and made all scheduled stops, even had time for a nice visit with Carol & Tom in Bell-ham instead of usual quick coffee and dash. Got in the visit with Kristie and Lynda, talked for almost 2 hours, then north to Wms Lk, unloaded a few goodies to go into Denise's fridge, including 6 pounds of Tillamook pepper jack cheese (they love it). I had stopped at Moreno's in Langley-Surrey and picked up 3 pounds brats (in 1 lb pkg.) will have a couple links with sauerkraut tonight for supper. All the rest went into freezer.

After leaving E-burg early Monday morning never took my knitting out of the car the rest of the trip, when ever I would stop for the night looking at email and such before crashing seemed the thing to do. Even last night when I had enuff putting stuff away found I couldn't keep my eyes open to even watch the National at 7 pm, then woke up cold just before 10 pm, just can't get the head around turning furnace on into the 2nd week of May.


  1. You should've stayed a little longer on the Coast. The sun is out, the temps are up, nothing hurts this morning & we're all talking BBQ, Beach & Beer. I think summer hath arrived. I even had the door to my basement open most of yesterday. Louisa (Damselfly) was cooking up Indigo yesterday so I guess that's a double sign of Summer.

    1. Weather once home as been practically perfect, 20-24° with nice cool nights for sleeping.

  2. Thoroughly enjoyed meeting you Lynne. Those "Mònster Socks" are the best! Kristie wàs so kind to ask to include me. Lynda

    1. Glad you were able to come along, K will know when my next trip south will be and if it works for you come along again.

  3. Glad you made it home from your travels safely, Lynne! Yum, Tillamook cheese is my favourite. We bring home pounds of the stuff every time we cross the border, preferably from the factory in Tillamook but any Safeway in WA state will do. Heh.

    1. I am only buying Tillamook any more, nothing else comes close. Freddies also carries lots of T.


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