This & That

Simmered the leftover turkey breast on Monday, then today took remaining meat off the bones (maybe 3 cups), added almost 4 c of chopped celery, 2 c carrot wheels (out of onions) and a container of chicken stock. Now to let everything simmer for several hours will then add some sort of noodles and bingo another 3 or 4 meals off the wonderful turkey breast. Easily pleased I am. I take all skin and other like scraps to Christine for her big dog, make sure no bones have got into container. Won't see her until next knitting bee on 4 Jan. To keep it in good shape put into a cottage cheese container and then into freezer.

Will watch the Rose Bowl at 1:30 with the knee socks at hand, think I can actually see the finish of sock number one in next day or so.

Didn't stay up to see the New Year in, was in bed just after 10, to many nights reading until way to late had finally caught up with me.


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