Desert Mesa Fall 2012

Left Cache Creek after lunch on Sunday stayed overnight in 'the willie', met L in SaveOn parking lot Monday after getting snow tires on the car. Picked up a few groceries and headed west, home just after 1, L unloaded car and then took the car home with her stuff.

DM was as usual a really good time and for a change I didn't have to have a mid day nap and miss anything. Bartered away an old oak skein winder that fit a Louet S 70 wheel and got dyed super wash merino-nylon in return, good trade. Only other thing I bought was 2 8 oz bags of dyed black Corriedale, one for me and one for Deni in 'the willie'. Isabel bought me a small silver sheep charm, cute as it could be. Next year (fall) will be the 10th anniversary of DM and will be a 3 day weekend, the whole weekend sold out in just a few minutes. Unless there are cancellations will be pretty much the same crowd.

The spinning room early in the morning

Bill H having a mid afternoon snooze, lots of other pix taken of him getting his zzz's.

Toni, Mary Ann and Gudie with socks I knit

Just the feet of the wild & crazies


  1. Beautiful socks as usual!

  2. It looks like it was a great time. Ny Fiber festival this weekend. I hope my Dil can make it. I love the hiya hiya needles. I feel like I'm speed knitting,lol Alene


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