Hot and Sweaty

With temps several days close to 100°F, (39°C), I don't think I have ever sweat so much in my life, take an almost cold shower just before going to bed, it helps for about 5 minutes. Now at just after 10:30 am I'm on my second bottle of water, 1L each. Have two more in fridge for later. Have finally finished the first pair going to Kaslo, the ladies pair will be next. Also size 11, lots of knitting. Neighbour Len came on his quad with brush hog and knocked down my whole yard weeds and all. The Dalmation toadflax in places was almost 2 feet high, flowering but not gone yet to seed. The crows now having a ball going after grasshoppers. It looks ever so much better and fire hazard down as well. Neighbours to the south have had a visiting grizzly, I havent seen a bear in my yard (YET).