Town trip

Finally got into town, left here Tuesday morning and got all running around done by 3:30, Wednesday hit Beaver Valley Feed store just after 9 am and bought 10.5 pounds tomatoes (that's one of the really important things I had to do) then into grocery store for a major order and home by 3pm. The tomatoes were well worth the trip, have had one or more with every meal since I got home, cottage cheese and tomatoes are for me a perfect meal. Just before town trip finished the current Monstersocks, used the teal-y green for top, heel and toe, lots of small balls got used up in this pair. Will likely start another pair but this time think I am going to just use a ball of self patterning Opal, not near as many ends to deal with that way. Getting a bit of rain sprinkles this morning, very welcomed. Smoke is still so thick I can't see the mountains, when they do show up would almost bet there will be new snow up there. 51°F right now, even had heat on briefly in wool room, but would...