
Showing posts from August, 2018

Town trip

Finally got into town, left here Tuesday morning and got all running around done by 3:30, Wednesday hit Beaver Valley Feed store just after 9 am and bought 10.5 pounds tomatoes (that's one of the really important things I had to do) then into grocery store for a major order and home by 3pm. The tomatoes were well worth the trip, have had one or more with every meal since I got home, cottage cheese and tomatoes are for me a perfect meal. Just before town trip finished the current Monstersocks, used the teal-y green for top, heel and toe, lots of small balls got used up in this pair. Will likely start another pair but this time think I am going to just use a ball of self patterning Opal, not near as many ends to deal with that way. Getting a bit of rain sprinkles this morning, very welcomed. Smoke is still so thick I can't see the mountains, when they do show up would almost bet there will be new snow up there. 51°F right now, even had heat on briefly in wool room, but would...


Between the heat of a couple of weeks ago and most of this weeks smoke, its been hard to breathe. This morning low so far is 34.7 F, cool enuff in wool room that I have heat on (as well as wool socks and a long sleeved flannel shirt). I'll take this weather any day over the heat. I went to Tatla on Thursday for blood letting (INR), then truck didn't come to pick same up, so will have to go back on Tuesday to start over. Then maybe just maybe I might carry on and go into town. I have been thinking about tomatoes, on toast, with cottage cheese and just sliced on my plate for supper. They are supposed to be in at Beaver Valley Feed store, wouldn't mind a feed of sweet corn as well. As well a trip thru the big grocery store would work well, am out of a whole bunch of stuff. Have someone lined up to help unload my car when I get home. Also will stop Wally World for a new popcorn popper, mine after 30 + years as quit. Second of the Monstersocks well down the foot, with footba...

What a difference a day makes

Yesterday and 5-6 days before that were hot and clear, really hot for in here. Most unusual for that stretch of +30°C days in a row, never have sweat so much before. Then today rolls in at least 15° cooler so much so that I"m back to wool socks and a long sleeved flannel shirt, and it feels wonderful. But whats really unsettling is the smoke filling the valley, we think its coming from the fire up the Klinaklini river valley. I know my west mountains are still there but only showing a shadow right now, just after noon and I have a bunch of house lights on. Its that dark from the smoke. The smoke is what drove me out of here last summer when the fires were so much closer, ended up in Prince George for a bit over two weeks where breathing was so much batter. May have to think about heading somewhere where smoke isn't this thick. Knitting tho continues moving along, about half way down the leg of second Monstersock.  Not exactly a matching pair but then life is to short for ...

Tuesday 2nd

For the last two plus weeks as soon as I got up opened every window in the house, hoping it would cool down before sun came over east mountain, didn't work. Temps were in mid 30°s C every day. And then today came about was glad to leave windows closed, it felt wonderful to be cool again. And now at just after noon its +17° with thunderman and lightfoot visiting. I am keeping fire phone number right close to phone just in case. Sky now to south west is about as black and ugly looking as it could possibly be. Current pair of Monstersocks, thought that I would use a solid color in between each of the variegated colors on the leg, but soon forgot, so just used the main color green after two vari colors, then foot is just all vari colors, have enuff left to use on foot so that I will not have used any color twice in whole sock. And of course will switch colors all around on second sock. True Monstersocks using all leftover bits. Think I'll go and put water on for a second c...