Current sock
Using a denim blue as main color and then lots of Kaffe Fassett colors and other bits for the patterns. Last row I just finished I used 3 colors, something I am not overly fond of doing but this time needed all 3 colors in the last 2 rounds. Doesn't show up in the pix but overall effect when sock is done will be just what I wanted. Once this pair is finished and the lime green arrives will get started on wild & crazy socks for Toni. Got out to knitting bee yesterday arriving fashionably late and didn't stay to very long, for some strange reason I needed a nap when I got back home. Up to 13 followers on the new blog, down from 140+ on old one, guess some will slowly drift back. Watching crows in the yard flipping over last falls cow pats looking for something juicy to eat.