First eye done, cataract surgery 23rd in Williams Lake.had a friend in town that day and was able to second for me (driver). Still a bit blurry so can't tell if it was the sucess I was hoping for. Second eye the 18th Ocober. Knitting on a time out until vision clears, working down the foot of the first red sock from the 4 way bundle. Probably half way down the patterned foot.. Once this pair is finished will move onto the dark gray pr using only variegated colours. One of the hardest things I do is change my queen sized bed. Usualy do so every Sunday but with eyes funny did it Tuesday instead. Use flannel sheets the year round, when temp can slip below freezing any time in summer always feels good for flannel. Have had temps in the mid 20's F already and poplar leaves are turning fast, won't be long before they start to come down. Hopefully with several college football games that I want to watch on Saturday I'll be able to do a little knitting. Glad that nothing ...