Weather finally moderated around December 19, back to what we call normal winter temps. Just got used to the "warmer stuff" and see forecast is for another round of -20's C (predicted lows of -9°F) by Sunday. Still have 50% in my propane tanks so sometime after New Years fussing and parties are over will call and see when truck is headed out west. Woke up this morning to flurries, the new F word, coming sideways from the south, strong winds are also in the forecast so might get another round of drifting snow. I got to Tatla yesterday for the first time in a month, blood letting at the clinic, then on to Knitting Bee, library on the way home. First is was because of cold then with my left knee sore from a stupidio fall thought it best to stay home and keep warm heating pad on same. Have the turkey breast to go into soup pot tomorrow for sure, so will have soup for weekend football and world junior hockey games, nothing (except my micro rice bag) warms me up as well as s...